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16th Apr 2015

‘Cambiassoism’ might mean a few days off work for Leicester City fans

Worshipped: Esteban Cambiasso

Simon Lloyd

Leicester City fans- fancy some time off work? If so, you might want to monitor this situation closely.

One Foxes supporter, with a particular admiration for Argentine midfielder Esteban Cambiasso, has made a valiant attempt to get time off work from his employer on religious grounds.

A tweet from @general_dawson revealed his ambitious plan…

To add a bit of depth to his brilliantly ridiculous request, Andy then posted a screenshot of his email.



Amazingly, this prompted a bit of research into Cambiassoism which unsurprisingly didn’t prove very fruitful.


So, despite such an ambitious plan, it does appear that it may just fall short of freeing up a day or two. But it has gained some support on Twitter…

While we don’t approve of folk bunking off work for completely made up religious festivals, we can at least salute such an audacious attempt.