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09th Feb 2017

Can you name the Arsenal squad that used all 26 letters of the alphabet?

You have seven minutes.

Tom Victor

August 24, 2011 was a momentous day in Arsenal history.

No, we’re not talking about the fact that the Gunners won in Udine to seal their place in that season’s Champions League group stage.

No, the most important thing about that game was the fact that Arsène Wenger’s matchday 18 featured all 26 letters of the alphabet.

It’s something of which there can’t be too many other examples – if any at all – so we thought it was worthy of a quiz.

You’ve got seven minutes to name all 18 players from the squad that day, including the unused substitutes, and please don’t go spoiling it for anyone else by looking it up or giving away the answers.

Good luck!