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24th Jan 2017

Cesc Fabregas wanted to show his abs to the world but two former teammates weren’t having it

Poor Cesc

Darragh Murphy

It’s impossible to look cool when you’re pointing your phone’s camera at a mirror and tensing to within an inch of your life.

No matter how ripped you are, you’re going to look like an absolute douche for wanting to share your physique with the world and, hopefully, your true friends will alert you to that fact.

Chelsea midfielder Cesc Fabregas found himself in that position on Monday when he wanted to show off how his hard work in the gym had been paying off.

Fabregas opened his camera app. He took a deep breath. He flexed every muscle in his core and he snapped away.

The Spaniard is in terrific shape. We can all see that.

But boys will be boys and there was no way in hell that his former Barcelona teammates David Villa and Alex Song were going to let the shameless self-promotion go unpunished.

Villa responded to his fellow countryman in their native tongue but was less than complimentary.

Villa’s response translates to English as “Kid, put on a shirt and breathe.”

Song meanwhile, who played alongside Fabregas at both Barcelona and Arsenal, remained thoroughly unimpressed by the six-pack on show.

“I can’t see anything my bro you have to improve,” Song wrote.

Some people just can’t be pleased.