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15th Aug 2016

Chinese diver He Zi got a marriage proposal while on the Olympic podium

The way her fiancé went about it has certainly divided opinion.

Carl Anka

Chinese diver He Zi had a day to remember, first winning an Olympic medal and then receiving a surprise marriage proposal *during* her podium presentation.

The 25-year-old had won silver in the 3m women’s springboard final on Sunday when her boyfriend and fellow Chinese diver Qin Kai popped the big question during the presentation.

The crowd at Maria Lenk Aquatics Centre was on tenterhooks as a rather large amount of time passed for He to come up with her answer.

Thankfully, she accepted Qin’s proposal and the pair embraced to a huge ovation.

“This morning, I walked into a room and I found him reciting something,” said He according to the BBC . “I asked him what he was doing and he said he was singing. I just didn’t know that he was practising proposing.

Having someone propose to you during one of the biggest moments of your life is a rather ballsy move.

To some people on social media, Qin Kai’s proposal was inappropriately timed:

But to others, it’s just a lovely romantic gesture and we shouldn’t be annoyed that two people have promised themselves to each other.

“He said a lot of things there at the podium”, added the silver medalist. “He made a lot of promises, but the thing that has touched me the most is that I think this is the guy I can trust for the rest of my life.”

Congratulations to them both. Hopefully Qin Kai can work on his timing as he prepares to be a husband.

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