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23rd Mar 2017

Chris Eubank Jr mocks Tony Bellew’s victory over David Haye after “better belts in Matalan” comment

Just boxers saying mean things to other boxers, really...


When boxers aren’t actually fighting or training for a fight, they love nothing more than saying mean things about other boxers.

It’s just what they do.

So, when Tony Bellew was asked for his opinion on Chris Eubank Jr, it’s probably no great surprise to learn that he wasn’t all that complimentary.

“I’ve seen better fights sold in Matalan,” Bellew said, a reference to the IBO super-middleweight title Eubank Jr won after beating Renold Quinlan in February.

Obviously, Eubank Jr was never going to let such a comment slide. Responding to footage of Bellew’s comments on Twitter, he suggested that Liverpudlian had taken longer than expected to finish off an injured David Haye in their recent fight, throwing in the criminally underused hashtag ‘#couldntboxeggs’ for good measure.

Bellew came back for more, pointing out that in beating Haye, he’d beaten a man who had been confident of knocking him out within the first two rounds. Not done there, he then made more or less the same comment about Eubank Jr’s belt as he’d done in the video above – only this time changing ‘Matalan’ to ‘NEXT’.

Something tells us this won’t be the last we hear of this one…

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