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31st Mar 2015

Conor McGregor breaks down exactly how he’s going to defeat Jose Aldo

McGregor thinks Aldo is a sloppy fighter...


Unsurprisingly, Conor McGregor is calmness personified ahead of his title fight against Jose Aldo.

The Notorious was in Dublin on Tuesday for the last leg of the UFC 189 World Tour.

McGregor confidently predicted that he will defeat the featherweight champion when the two throw down inside the cage, before detailing exactly how the victory will be achieved.

Aldo is undefeated under the UFC banner and hasn’t lost a bout in over nine years. Despite this, McGregor reckons that he has some noticeable holes in his game, which he aims to capitalise on…


“He’s sloppy,” said McGregor. “He has his basics down, he has his straight shots, he has his low kick, but after that he goes forward. If he catches it, he opens up.

“I find at times his shot selection is weak.”

McGregor added that he doesn’t expect Aldo to alter his game plan in his next trip to the Octagon, which will make it easy for him to upset the odds and become the new champion.

“If he comes in sloppy against me. If he tries to come in and rush the pocket against me, I’ll tip him across… anywhere around the temple, anywhere on the skull, and he goes down.

“That’s what I feel will happen. We’ll exchange one or two, he’ll wobble. He’ll get loose, he’ll get wild and he’ll go down.”

The fight isn’t until July, but JOE is already moist with anticipation.