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31st May 2017

Cristiano Ronaldo admits he misses England as he looks ahead to Champions League final

But no, he's not coming back


Let’s make this clear from the off: No, Cristiano Ronaldo’s not coming back to the Premier League.

After leaving Manchester United in 2009, Ronaldo has shattered records for fun, helping Real Madrid to a couple of European crowns along the way.

Now, days away from potentially winning a third Champions League winners medal with them, he’s stressed that he sees himself staying with the recently crowned Spanish champions until beyond his 40th birthday.

At times, Ronaldo, for all he has done for Real, has been on the wrong end of some disapproving whistles from some of the club’s supporters. Speaking to La Sexta ahead of the Cardiff final against Juventus on Saturday, the former United number seven has admitted that he hates this.

“I don’t like it and it’s not normal that they whistle you in your own stadium,” he said. “I just don’t like it.

“It shouldn’t be the case that a player who always wants to give his best and give 100 percent for this team when he makes his first mistake people whistle.

“It’s not correct. And when you are on a difficult run that is when you need extra support from outside not less. Sometimes we don’t have it.”

Ronaldo continues by comparing this with his experiences in England, where United supporters never whistled him.

“I spent a lot of years at Manchester United and it never happened to me. Not even once. Maybe England is a case apart – the mentality is different.

“I’m very happy being in Spain but obviously I also miss England because you can’t just turn off the memories.”