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09th Dec 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo made more money last season than AC Milan

A sign of the times

Simon Lloyd

Being one of the most talented footballers ever to have graced the face of this planet, it’s hardly a big shock that Cristiano Ronaldo’s finances (despite what you might have recently heard about tax allegations) are in good shape.

With the ink barely dry on his new Real Madrid contract, the Portugal international is also raking it in from a number of mega money sponsorship deals.

On Friday, we learned that the 31-year-old made a staggering £191m in 2015 alone when his management company released information in response to claims that Ronaldo hadn’t paid enough tax in Spain.

Clearly, this is more than enough money to cover his gas and leccy bills, but the already incredible amount of cash was put into context by Sky’s Kaveh Solhekol, who pointed out that Ronaldo’s annual earnings in 2015 were higher than that of AC Milan.

With seven European Cups and 18 Italian League titles to their name, Milan are one of the most decorated clubs in world football. Recent years haven’t yielded the kind of success that the club have enjoyed in the last thirty years and the £167m they turned over in 2015 is £24m shy of Ronaldo’s earnings over the same period of time.

A sign of the times.

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