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17th Jan 2017

Cyclist is flipped over a crash barrier in this terrifying footage of high-speed descent crash

Remarkably, he escaped injury

Simon Lloyd

Joaquim Rodríguez is a lucky man.

The recently-retired Spanish cyclist, who finished seventh in the overall standings in last summer’s Tour de France, managed to walk away unscathed after colliding with a roadside barrier on a high-speed descent.

After hitting the barrier, Rodríguez was thrown over his handlebars and dropped 10 metres.

Having captured footage of the crash on what appears to be a chest-mounted camera, the 37-year-old has now uploaded it to Twitter.

Making his way down a mountainside road, Rodríguez loses control as he approaches a bend towards the right. His rear wheel appears to slip out of line, directing him towards the barrier.

As the front wheel of his bike smashes into the barrier, he’s launched over it, eventually coming to rest in some trees and undergrowth. Within seconds, he establishes that he’s managed to escape without injury and begins clambering up towards the roadside, where his bike remains. Two other cyclists can be heard calling down to him to check he’s okay.

The text that accompanies the footage translates to:

“Behaviour of a cyclist when you fall!

“First: I am well.

“Second: And so is my bike?

“Third: Well fix the shifter and continue!”

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