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23rd Apr 2016

Dana White confirms why Conor McGregor will not fight at UFC 200

The UFC 200 rumour mill rumbles on...

Kevin McGillicuddy

“It’s part of the job; it’s the one thing you have to do.”

Conor McGregor is in Iceland, and that’s where he can stay according to Dana White at the first major press conference for UFC 200.

The Las Vegas event saw some of the key players in the July 9th event take their seats on stage, including Frankie Edgar, Jose Aldo, Miesha Tate and Eddie Alvarez.

There were two empty seats left at the top table, with speculation suggesting that the Irishman and Nate Diaz might appear.

The California man did turn up, but not the 27-year-old featherweight champion.

And naturally the very first question of the night was for Dana White and an update on where the Conor McGregor situation is at right now.

The UFC president ruled the Dubliner out of competing in July as he hasn’t turned up for the promotion

“I just don’t see how that’s fair. It’s just part of the deal. These guys came.

“You think I don’t want Conor to fight? Of course, I do. It’s just not right.

“Is it too much to ask to shoot a commercial or do the promotion for fight. A lot of guys came here from Brazil…New Jersey, but these guys, they have better things to do, its part of the job, and it’s what we do here.”

White then admitted that Nate Diaz will still fight at UFC 200, but there is no opponent agreed yet.

Diaz himself was not too interested in fighting it seems to judge by his response.

With no opponent as of yet, Diaz was relaxed about what might happen if the UFC don’t organise a fighter for him.

White did confirm that McGregor is still part of the UFC roster and will meet the winner of the Edgar/Aldo fight later this year.

But as of now, there is no sign of Conor McGregor fighting at UFC 200.