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17th Feb 2017

Everton fans seem to think Ronald Koeman and his coaching staff were hungover in work

Putting two and two together...


Let’s be very clear on this, we here are JOE are not suggesting in any way that Ronald Koeman and his Everton coaching staff were on the sauce on Thursday night.

We have no doubts that they conduct themselves in the most professional of manners at all times and on those rare occasions where they do drink alcohol, they do so responsibly.

But while we would never make such assumptions, that’s not to say that other wouldn’t – which is exactly what’s happened here.

With Everton out in Dubai for a mid-season tour and a spot of warmer weather training, Koeman shared a picture across his social media platforms of himself and his coaching staff at the Meydan Racing.

No harm in that, and no alcohol to be seen anywhere, either.

But when a picture emerged of Koeman – along with a couple of other members of his coaching staff – wearing sunglasses the very next morning, one Evertonian put two and two together.

Were the shades being used to conceal alcohol-induced bloodshot eyes or did it have more to do with a sandstorm in the area? Judging by the amount of retweets the tweet received, it seems a few folk would appear to agree that this was indeed the result of a few beers.

We’re not having any of it though, obviously.