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12th Dec 2017

Everton Football Club – An Apology

JOE would like to unreservedly apologise to Everton Football Club and its supporters for a reference in an article which appeared on on Monday December 11th titled: If Every Premier League Club was a comedian, who would they be?’

The reference in question was a misjudged attempt to compare the club’s unexpected failings at the start of this season with the dramatic decline in the career of comedian Michael Richards. There was no intention to draw any parallels between the nature of Richards’ outburst and anyone associated with Everton Football Club.

There was also no intention whatsoever to disrespect or tarnish the reputation of Everton Football Club, or upset the club’s fanbase, with this article, which has now been removed from the website. has been a long-standing partner and supporter of Everton Football Club. JOE was official media partner for the Everton Under-23s outstanding ‘Home is Where The Heart Is’ campaign, a partnership that was the first of its kind in the UK. We would never knowingly do anything that might damage that relationship.

JOE Media has made a donation to Everton’s ‘Home is Where the Heart Is’ campaign.

