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11th Jun 2015

FIFA’s communications director Walter De Gregorio resigns after Blatter gag

Nooruddean Choudry

FIFA’s answer to ‘Comical Ali’ has resigned from his post – after cracking a jokeĀ at Sepp Blatter’s expense…

Beleaguered Communications Director Walter De GregorioĀ made the unappreciated quip whilst appearing onĀ Roger Schawinski’s show on Swiss TV earlier this week.

“The FIFA president,communications director and secretary general are in a car. Who’s driving? Answer: The police,” mused De Gregorio, who can no longer stick to his day job.

Perhaps it’s the way he tells them…

…or maybeĀ not.

A statement from FIFA read: ‘Walter De Gregorio has decided to relinquish his office with immediate effect as director of communications & public affairs.”