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27th Aug 2016

Fighter’s brutal 15-second spinning back fist KO nearly took his opponent’s head off

It was the first shot he threw...

Ben Kenyon

You won’t see many flashier knock outs in MMA than this.

Some fighters use sheer brute force like Dan Henderson, others like Conor McGregor’s 13-second KO of Jose Aldo are pure precision.

But this from Burn Soriano was a beautiful combination of both brute force and finesse.

It came just 15 seconds into his ONE Championship 46 match up against Mario Satya Wirawan.

The 30-year-old Filipino bantamweight kicked things off early with a perfectly-timed spinning backfist which caught his opponent cold and put his lights out immediately.

What a peach of a shot this was…

Just let in sink in for a moment…

Speaking after the fight, Soriano said he knew his opponent was going to come forward early and he just waited for his opportunity.

As he lunged forward with his hands down to land the leg kick, Soriano swung the whole weight of his fist and arm into the Indonesian’s jaw for the spectacular KO.

It certainly wasn’t the only impressive knock out victory of the night though.

Edward Kelly wasn’t fucking about in his fight with Vincent “MagniVincent” Latoel. The Filipino was put under pressure by veteran Latoel, but he weathered the storm to finish with two huge shots.

He defended well against a flying knee and clinch attempt then unloaded with a massive right hook which flattened Latoel.

It was the knees though that ended middleweight Jake Butler’s night early. His opponent Marcin Prachnio predicted a first round finish and that’s exactly what happened.

Prachnio effectively defended a take-down attempt and then landed a savage knee on the ground which left Butler out cold…

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