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24th May 2016

Former world champion boxers reveals what sparring Conor McGregor was like

Ben Kenyon

Conor McGregor is known for his exceptional boxing skills inside the octagon.

The UFC featherweight champion  is pretty spectacular with his hands in MMA terms, but fighting a pro boxer is a ‘whole different ball game’, to quote the man himself.

We were intrigued to see the Irishman jet in to spar with former IBF and IBO champion Chris Van Heerden.

Footage emerged of former amateur boxer McGregor going six rounds with the South African welterweight which many believe is preparation for a possible superfight with Floyd Mayweather (although it’s more likely that Van Heerden emulates Diaz’s range, style and boxing ability).

Van Heerden has given his thoughts on sparring McGregor after he himself had a month’s lay off away from the ring.

When asked to rate McGregor’s power from one to 10, he said: “With 16oz gloves, I wasn’t phased at all.

“With 4oz gloves or mitts, just one punch, it’s a whole different story. Conor knows how to use his hands.

“Conor is probably, active as a fighter, the biggest fighting name out there because Mayweather has retired.

“It’s not like he’s a bum, he knows how to fight.”

One thing that Van Heerden did praise about McGregor’s boxing ability was his precision and timing.

As Jose Aldo know all too well “Timing beats speed and precision beats power”.

“Conor has got good precision,” Van Heerden says. “That little bit of timing, he’s very good at that. I would say his best punch is his counter left.”

What did he learn from going six rounds with The Notorious? That a pro boxer would beat a pro MMA fighter in stand-up.

“I’m taking nothing away from Conor. He’s a champion.

“Conor’s gane is MMA. No boxer should step in the octagon with Conor, because that’s his game.

“But the same thing applies to MMA fighters in a boxing ring.”

The former African champion can’t even entertain the idea that McGregor would be able to get one over on Mayweather if the two did by some miracle meet in the ring.

“Mayweather wins. There’s no doubt about it. Who beats Mayweather? He’s the best. In my opinion it would be a one-sided fight.

“But, take nothing away from Conor – it takes one punch. Can Conor land a punch? Yes he can land a punch.”