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13th Oct 2015

Goalkeeper pulls off remarkable four penalty saves in a row (Video)

Super Chris...

Tom Victor

Sure, David De Gea’s performance against Ukraine might have seemed impressive, but he’s got nothing on Chris Oldfield.

Playing for Australian second-tier team Hume City in their end-of-season playoffs against Melbourne Knights, British goalkeeper Oldfield was in inspired form.

Chris sent this clip our way himself, and you can see why. After the game finished 2-2, he saved all four of Melbourne’s penalties in the resulting shoot-out.

Clip via Hume City

His team-mates could have made it easier for him by scoring more than two of their own, but then he wouldn’t have this outstanding achievement to his name.

The former Bangor City shot-stopper will be called into action once more later this month as Hume take on Kevin Muscat’s Melbourne Victory in the semi-finals of Australia’s FFA Cup.

Can he keep up his impressive record against Melbourne opposition?

Thanks to Chris Oldfield for sharing this video with us. If you have a photo, video or story you think we’d like, send it to us on Twitter, Facebook or