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01st Jul 2016

Hilarious photographer steals the show with brilliant method of snapping Welsh heroes


Nooruddean Choudry

Well that’s one way of capturing the moment.

It is a feat that will be remembered forever. There is no need for Wales to fear any team in the world now, but even if they come unstuck against Portugal in the semi-finals, their 3-1 victory over much-fancied Belgium will always be remembered as a golden night in the nation’s sporting history.

Of course it will live long in the memory, but it deserves commemoration through photography. The video footage will always be there, but for whatever reason, there’s nothing quite like a still picture of a frozen moment to swell the heart and take you back.

Whilst the Welsh heroes were celebrating in a huddle, one lucky snapper found himself in the centre of the group. But what was he to do? Focus on one or two individuals in a side defined by teamwork? Of course not. No, he found a brilliantly imaginative way of including everyone.

Laying down on to his back, the photographer scrambling around on the grass like an upturned spider, spinning on his spine to include everyone. It made for quite a spectacle.

In a fitting coincidence (or was it?) the Welsh circle looked more like a heart. It was wonderfully fitting.