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23rd Dec 2015

How the internet reacted to Manchester City’s brand new crest

City fans seem to like it...

Simon Lloyd

Manchester City’s new crest was only supposed to be unveiled on Boxing Day.

Unfortunately for them, it seems the Intellectual Property Office may have let the cat out of the bag a little early, with the following design quickly being circulated across the internet.


Here’s a sample of the reactions to what is believed to be Manchester City’s new crest…

Many liked what they saw…

with the inclusion of the Lancashire rose getting the thumbs up…

Some were quick to clock on to the similarities between the older version of the club’s badge, last seen on City shirts in the 1990s.

Although not all City fans were too keen on changing their existing crest…

This JOE reader was disappointed that there was no reference to City being a football club.

city badge fb

And he wasn’t the only one…

Predictably, it was also an opportunity for some to take the p*ss…

city badge stuff2


Of course, there’s still a chance that this might not be City’s next crest. Confirmation will come on Saturday, when the club will officially unveil the new design.