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04th Jun 2021

Ian Wright tells story of Jack Grealish’s heartwarming gesture to his biggest fan

Kieran Galpin

“I love Jack Grealish!”

Football legend Ian Wright shared a genuinely heartwarming story on Twitter today. He sat down on his podcast Wrighty’s House to tell listeners of his experience with an eager fan.

“I was in a pub in Surrey,” he starts before diving into a conversation that touched his heart. Along with his mother, a kid approached Wright wearing an Aston Villa shirt.

In the conversation that followed, the child described his love for the team but more specifically for attacking midfielder Jack Grealish. Though the boy was not from Birmingham, his love for the team and Grealish specifically had made him an incredible fan.

As a man with connections and looking to make the kids day, Wright reached out to Grealish on Instagram. The child did not know Wright had messaged his favourite player, presumably in case Grealish did not reply.

Within five minutes, yes five minutes, the Aston Villa player had replied with a personalised message for his fan. Wright was shocked it took so little time, but now he was able to play the video for one thrilled fan.

“I was warm; I was just roasting inside with joy,” exclaims Wright.

Football may be about the game, but it also draws the interest of millions and a base of loyal fans. Though Grealish had no commitment to reply, his show of kindness brought happiness to one kids day.