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26th Oct 2016

If you think Daniel Sturridge is just a typically grumpy footballer, this may change your mind

Footballers: not all bad

Tony Cuddihy

The Liverpool striker went out of his way to look after two young fans on Tuesday night.

Having scored both goals in Liverpool’s 2-1 win over Tottenham in Tuesday night’s EFL Cup victory, Daniel Sturridge went out of his way to make sure two young fans would never forget the occasion.

Ciaran and Geordan Houlihan were waiting outside Anfield with their dad Owen when they saw Sturridge leave the ground.

They initially missed him, but when they went to go home they encountered the 27-year-old again.

“It was a ridiculous story of chance, really,” Owen told the Liverpool Echo. “We came up for the game, and afterwards we were waiting outside the Centenary Stand to see if we could get any autographs for the boys.

“We saw Daniel come out, but there were so many fans there that we missed him. It was about 11pm, and most of the players had left, so we went to go home ourselves.

“We were parked in Stanley Park, but as we were walking to the car we saw Daniel’s car parked up. He must have been dropping somebody off. My oldest lad Ciaran, who is 13, had already had his picture taken next to it earlier in the day so we recognised the car straight away!

“He went over with Geordan, who is nine, and Daniel was not only happy to sign their shirts but he reached into the back and gave them two match shirts as well! The boys were absolutely thrilled. I think they are the shirts he wore in the first and second halves of the game.

“Then, as we went to walk away, he called us back, jumped out of the car and asked if I could take a picture on his phone of him with Ciaran and Geordan.

“My own phone had no battery, but Ciaran is on Instagram so Daniel said he would tag him in the picture. He uploaded the picture on the spot, and when we got back we had the notification!

“He was brilliant with the boys. He was even giving them tips on how to pose for the picture. He was already the main man after scoring the two goals, but he’s cemented his place as their favourite player now. Those shirts will have pride of place at home!”

Owen added: “It’s fair to say that footballers don’t often get a good press, so it was wonderful to see such a high-profile guy taking so much time to make two young fans very happy indeed.

“Ciaran and Geordan will never forget that game!”

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