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16th Jan 2017

Juventus unveil trendy new logo and it’s not gone down well at all

The Old Lady is looking awfully new.

Darragh Murphy

Is nothing sacred anymore?

If you had to put money on one club remaining faithful to traditions, Juventus would definitely be high up the list of most reliable bankers to throw your cash behind.

The club’s nickname is ‘The Old Lady’ for God’s sake!

Some club’s just exude an air of history and Juventus is certainly one of them, which makes the club’s decision to modernise its logo all the more bizarre.

Out of nowhere, on Monday evening, Juventus’ official Twitter account unveiled this little number, proclaiming it to be the new logo of Juventus Football Club.

What the fuck is that?

Is it one rigid J being coerced to relax by a less stiff J behind it? Is the black supposed to be the J and both white lines are shaping it? Who knows what’s going on?

All we know is that nobody seems to like it even the littlest bit.

Some suggested that some very alive players didn’t die to see such an iconic logo replaced with the above.

While some fans resorted to less eloquent responses.

There were some helpful suggestions.


And plenty of desperation.

And the overriding sentiment was, well, you know.

Catch up with this week’s episode of Football Friday Live:


Juventus,Serie A