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08th Apr 2018

Khabib Nurmagomedov wants huge world tour to promote Conor McGregor fight

"Beg me"

Ben Kiely

Khabib Nurmagomedov is no fool about how big a fight against Conor McGregor would be.

After winning the undisputed lightweight belt at UFC 223, Khabib Nurmagomedov had to face an onslaught of questions regarding the last man to hold the strap.

The undefeated Dagestani seemed to find humour in the bus attack on media day. At the post-fight press conference, he suggested that the incident was proof that he humbled ‘The Notorious’.

“I told you guys, we’re going to make him humble. Now no more fake champions. This champion is going to defend his title.”

Despite opting to call out Georges St-Pierre in his victory speech, Nurmagomedov acknowledged that a fight agianst McGregor would be huge. Especially after how their beef climaxed during fight week. However, if they do end up fighting, he would like a huge promotional push behind it.

“They already promote this fight. What do you think? You think it’s going to be big fight? I hope he’s going to fight. We have to fight. Make world tour everywhere like Tokyo, Moscow, Dublin, Los Angeles, Rio. Big world tour, promote this fight and fight at the end of the year. Biggest arena in the world, Madison Square Garden. Maybe in Zaire or the Phillipines, doesn’t matter.

A wry grin washed over Nurmamgomedov’s face when he recalled a social media post from his rival. Now that the belt is wrapped around his waist, he used McGregor’s words against him.

“I’m here. You want to become lightweight champion, you have to fight with me. Now, no more this old fake champions. You guys remember when he put tweet, ‘beg me’. Please, beg me.”

We sincerely doubt the Dubliner will take too kindly to that demand.