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26th Nov 2016

This Loris Karius goal kick was quite possibly a Premier League first

He still kept a clean sheet

Simon Lloyd

Loris Karius gets paid thousands of pounds a week to be Liverpool Football Club’s first choice goalkeeper.

Because of this fact, it’s safe to say that he’s good at what he does; certainly better at it than the majority of people that are reading this.

But, as occasionally happens in elite-level football, the German did something in Saturday afternoon’s match with Sunderland that was worthy of a bloke playing in a Dog and Duck versus the Red Lion Sunday league match.

We’d love to show you the actual footage, but we’ll get in trouble if we do. That said, you can still appreciate how laughably bad it is from a series of poor quality screen grabs. Enjoy…

It all starts when the 23-year-old tosses the ball to the edge of his 6-yard box in preparation for a goal kick.

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As is often the way these days, the full backs came short to the edge of the Liverpool box, giving Karius the option to play the ball short, should he wish to do so. He did indeed, and set about playing the ball to the Liverpool right-back.

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Well, he tried…

Screen Shot 2016-11-26 at 18.18.42 In what could quite possibly be a Premier League first, Karius’ goal kick went out for a Sunderland corner.

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It happens to everyone, even supremely gifted Premier League footballers.

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