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20th Jun 2016

Love is in the air for Irish fans as hundreds sing to one French girl

What a lucky girl...

Rebecca Keane

Irish men are getting a serious reputation abroad that is putting British fans to shame.

If they’re not singing lullabies to babies, they’re humming a tune while cleaning up – it seems the Irish just can’t be stopped. They’re even getting along with their Group E rivals and the police.

Considering they were handily beaten by Belgium on Saturday, you’d think that would slow the Irish momentum over in France but evidently not.

The boys and girls in green have been captured having the craic once again, this time serenading a French lady on the street in Bordeaux. And while the quality of the singing itself does leave a little to be desired, you can’t knock them for trying.

The object of the crowd’s affections is seen laughing in disbelief as hundreds of Irish fans serenade her with Frankie Valli’s ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You’ – a classic among Irish fans since one supporter used it to try woo Holly Holm at UFC 194 – followed by DJ Otzi’s ‘Hey Baby’.

The woman starts to film the incredible moment the huge crowd serenades her, with many fans kneeling down as if they’re ready to propose.

The girl decides to repay the crowds for their singing with a kiss on the cheek for one lucky punter before everyone explodes into a mass of hugging, chanting and dancing.

What will the Irish men sing next? We won’t be happy until we see a Spice Girls medley.