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28th Sep 2016

Conor McGregor absolutely loved this fan’s news conference takedown of Eddie Alvarez

"Say it like it is!"

Tony Cuddihy

The Notorious was in inspired form in Madison Square Garden last night.

Conor McGregor and Eddie Alvarez came face-to-face last night ahead of their clash at UFC 205 in New York City, and there was a whole lot of mocking going on.

After Alvarez referred to his 28-year-old opponent as ‘easy money’ and accused him of quitting in fights, the microphone was handed to ‘that dude over there with the tie.’ Except this was no reporter.

“This question’s for Eddie Alvarez,” he stated. “You’ve mentioned that Conor McGregor is not a championship fighter, he only has two to three rounds, yet in your professional career you’ve only gone to the fifth round twice and won one of them – what the fuck are you talking about?”

Cue the famous McGregor howl of laughter. “Say it like it is,” he said to Alvarez. “You’re blessed that I chose you!”

Roll on 12 November.

McGregor went on to predict that he’d take Alvarez down inside one round.

“I run New York,” said McGregor, bringing cheers from the crowd. “I run this whole ship. Mystic Mac predicts, ‘I’m gonna KO you inside one round.’

“He’s very lucky to be in the position he’s in. He understands that, and that’s why he took this fight on the money he was on for his last fight. Just another broke bum, trying to sell some shit. We’ve heard it all before. It’s just another broke bum, who can’t afford to pay his bills.”

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