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02nd Apr 2017

Mike Dean stole the show when Jamie Carragher and Gary Neville tried their hands at refereeing

Of course he bloody did

Darragh Murphy

If there’s a glimmer of a spotlight, expect Mike Dean to cartwheel on to the stage and snatch it with both hands.

Dean makes a performance out of something as innocuous as picking up a football at the start of a game so when a Sky Sports film crew showed up with both Jamie Carragher and Gary Neville, the stage was set for full on Dean-mania.

After Arsenal’s 2-2 home draw with Manchester City on Sunday afternoon, Sky Sports 1 broadcast a programme called The Referees – Onside with Carragher and Neville.

It was a terrific piece of television as we got a glimpse behind the scenes of what it takes to be a top-level match official.

We saw everybody’s favourite footballing double-act, Neville and Carragher, put through their paces in a fitness test which showed the peak physical condition that is required of referees.

We saw interviews with a number of the most recognisable officials in the Premier League, who talked Neville and Carragher through why they made certain decisions and what they’d change if they got the chance to relive that moment.

And we also saw Mike Dean score the winner in a kickabout before he celebrated with his infamous reaction to a Spurs goal against Aston Villa.

Dean was hailed as a hero by most viewers.

But, as is the case with any aspect of football, not everybody was bowled over by Dean and his show-stealing ways.