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15th Sep 2015

One of Conor McGregor’s vanquished UFC rivals has just gone all mushy on him (Video)

He's changed his tune...

Ben Kiely

The man McGregor once labelled a “hillbilly” and a “pea-head” had some pretty complimentary things to say about the Dubliner.

Dustin ” the Diamond” Poirier hasn’t been on great terms with Conor McGregor, ever since falling victim to the Irish man’s acerbic tongue in the build up to their Las Vegas grudge match.

When the two eventually met inside the Octagon at UFC 178, Poirier was dropped in the first round by McGregor’s weapon of choice, his trusty left hand.

With Poirier set to headline UFC Dublin with an intriguing bout against Joseph Duffy, he admitted to Sky that McGregor is unlike any fighter he faced in his career.

“Conor is definitely the real deal. I’ve had 22 fights and I’ve never been put out like that. There are a lot of reasons why it went wrong for me, but he was just better that night.”

“I don’t believe in calling shots ‘lucky’ because he threw it, I moved, and I got hit by it. It was a well-placed, well thought-out punch that he threw. It hit me and I went down early.”

Despite having nothing but good things to say about the Dubliner’s ability, Poirier still thinks a rematch at lightweight would have a very different outcome.

“I am 100 per cent willing to fight Conor again, because the first time, we didn’t really get the chance to fight. He hit me with a good shot and I went down. I’d love to do it again.”

“It would be a different fight at 145 pounds, and definitely if he comes up to 155. I wouldn’t get hit with that shot again, and I wouldn’t let myself get so emotional. I know I could beat him – I’m a better fighter than I showed last time.”

Interestingly, Poirier is also confident that McGregor will live up to the hype yet again and defeat Jose Aldo at UFC 194.

“It’s a really competitive fight and hard to call but I think Conor will win using footwork and striking.”

Here’s hoping, Dustin.