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02nd Dec 2015

Conor McGregor has already beaten Jose Aldo…at least according to the UFC website

They just keep on coming

Darragh Murphy

It’s almost as if they’re doing it on purpose.

The UFC Store and Reebok have come in for a tidal wave of criticism lately for a number of ridiculous mistakes made with their online products.

Earlier this week, Reebok’s error in referring to legendary UFC middleweight Anderson Silva as Anderson Aldo went viral.

And now, the UFC are selling a Conor McGregor long sleeve t-shirt that celebrates his victory over Jose Aldo at UFC 189, when he became featherweight champion of the world.


We all remember that right?

All recollection of Jose Aldo’s withdrawal due to injury, Chad Mendes’ stepping in and an interim title being created seems to have been stricken from the UFC’s memory as, in the description, they claim that “Conor McGregor has defeated Jose Aldo for the Featherweight Title Champion! Celebrate his victory in Las Vegas with this UFC 189 Champ tee.”

It’s like they’re just guessing at everything at this stage.