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19th Feb 2016

PIC: South African rugby star’s arms are as wide as a normal person’s torso


Kevin McGillicuddy

If you need a jar opening, then we know exactly the right man to call.

South Africa’s Eben Etzebeth is what we would politely call an absolute f**king beast of a man, and he’s proved that time and again in various test encounters over the years.

The 24-year-old is a man who clearly takes his physical strength and conditioning programme fairly seriously too.

He is known for his hulking frame, but we doubt there is a human being on earth that could match his monstrous, and slightly grotesque, oversized biceps.

The lock showed off his dedication to arm day in t-shirt at a birthday party via his Instagram, and we are both disgusted and delighted to see the taut muscle bursting out from under his clothes.

How does he even get any clothes to fit?