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06th Dec 2015

Valencia player shows off wounds from Luis Suarez stamping incident (Pic)

Hashtag says it all

Ben Kiely

Luis Suarez certainly left his mark on Aymen Abdennour at the weekend.

The Argentine scored the opener for Barcelona during their 1-1 draw with Valencia at the weekend, but his performance was overshadowed by allegations of stamping twice on Abdennour.

Replays seemed to show Suarez deliberately digging his studs into the defender’s instep when the two were involved in a tussle. Another camera angle revealed that Suarez also trampled his arm as he fell to the turf in a heap.

After the match, Abdennour uploaded a phot of his battle scars from the incident on Instagram. You can clearly see stud marks on his forearm, which suggest that Suarez did at the very least stand on him.


A photo posted by Aymen Abdennour (@aymenabdennour) on

Suarez has since admitted that he trod on the player, but denies that there was any malice behind it.

“I trod on him without meaning to,” Suarez said.

“A similar thing happened to me couple of weeks ago, also unintentionally. These things happen on the pitch. The stamp was unintentional and I’ve already apologised [to Abdennour].”