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06th Jan 2016

Watch out keyboard warriors, Dana White is absolutely ripped (Pic)

Don't tempt fate

Ben Kiely

Keyboard warriors should really think twice about trying to get a rise out of Dana White.

The UFC president was bombarded with tweets from trolls and unhappy consumers recently and he responded in typical fashion, expletives and all.


One maverick even made the bold claim that he would beat up El Presidente along with his Looking For A Fight co-stars former welterweight champion Matt Serra and Nick “the Tooth” Gullo.

Anyone who watched the latest episode of Looking For A Fight will realise that challenging White to a fight may be an idiotic move. During one brief scene where the trio went to the beach, it was revealed that El Presidente was a lot buffer than some people may have initially expected.

Dana White ripped

The dude’s in better shape than anyone at the JOE office a lot of heavyweights.


Dana White,UFC