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12th Feb 2016

Innocent American man named Adam Johnson is facing a barrage of abuse on Twitter


Poor bloke.

Although many will argue that Adam Johnson deserves all the condemnation he receives for grooming and sexually touchingĀ an underage girl, but an innocent individual who happens to share the 28-year-old’s name is facing a constant stream of abuse via social media.

Bradford Crown Court found Johnson guilty of a charge of sexual touching, but not guilty on a charge relating to another sexual act. The former Sunderland player had previously admitted grooming the girl and one charge of sexual activity.

Child Sex Trial Of England And Sunderland Football Player Begins : News Photo

His namesake is a God-fearing Christian fromĀ West TennesseeĀ in the US, who registered the Twitter account @adamjohnson back in April 2009. He has no connection to the former Sunderland winger.

This fact has been lost on many Twitter users who have included the Tennessee man’s handle in angry tweets meant for the disgraced Adam Johnson. The American Johnson has made it clear he is not the accused…

Alas, that hasn’t stopped the barrage of abuse that continues to come his way. As you can see below, it’s all very unpleasant…