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03rd May 2016

This is proof that Leicester did actually break the internet after historic title win

This is incredible!

Ben Kenyon

The world has gone mad for Leicester City.

Not a single football fan on the planet will not have heard about Leicester now (even if they can’t pronounce it).

We’re not surprised either – Claudio Ranieri’s men actually came through and defied the odds (5,000/1 if you didn’t already know) and won the Premier League. It still feels crazy even writing that sentence.

But the moment Leicester’s dream title win was confirmed the internet went into meltdown.

This is what a proper, global Twitter meltdown looks like in this handy heatmap….

(The glowing white dot above London is probably Piers Morgan and fellow Arsenal fans having a good old rant at yet another spurned title opportunity).

According to stats provided to JOE by Twitter there were 5.5million tweets sent in the hours after the Foxes were crowned Champions of England.

Leicester’s unprecedented feat sparked a huge surge of UK traffic which skyrocketed by 86%. Eighty six per cent – let that sink in for a moment.

You can pretty much see the moment the final whistle went at Stamford Bridge, where Spurs were held to a draw and Leicester were confirmed kings of the EPL.

Leicester's 86% increase

It’s safe to say the club’s victory tweet exploded across Twitter, with nearly 400,000 retweets.

Twitter confirmed that it is one of the most popular and shared sporting tweets in its history.

Jamie Vardy had the Leicester squad round at his house to celebrate their title success. It looked pretty raucous – and the players’ reactions to the final whistle were absolutely magical.

Vardy knows how to throw a party…

Twitter also confirmed the word ‘party’ had more mentions than on New Year’s Eve. That’s some party at Vardy’s gaff.

What a time to a Leicester fan.