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14th Sep 2015

Rafa Benitez doesn’t help himself as he’s spotted eating a sandwich…and the napkin


Rafa Benitez’s weight has been a topic of discussion ever since his appointment at Real Madrid.

In June, it was reported that the club’s hierarchy had told him to shed a few pounds to improve his public image.

And then a month later, after Benitez’s wife claimed that he “tidies up Jose Mourinho’s mess”, the Chelsea boss responded with a typically stinging rebuke.

“For her also to think about me and to speak about me, I think she needs to occupy her time, and if she takes care of her husband’s diet she will have less time to speak about me,” said Mourinho.

It was all a bit unsavoury – unlike the sandwich Benitez was captured tucking into in this video.

The only problem for the Real Madrid boss was that – like his current role – he may have bitten off more than he can chew, also taking in a mouthful of napkin.

The clip should give him food for thought, especially if he wants to avoid any more ‘fat Spanish waiter’ jibes…