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23rd Apr 2015

Rafa Benitez told he’s too fat to manage Sampdoria

It's time to get in shape, Rafa...


Rafa Benitez has been told he’s too chubby to manage Sampdoria by the club’s president Massimo Ferro.

The former Liverpool boss was often called a ‘fat Spanish waiter’ by Manchester United fans during his time in England, and must have hoped he’d left those jibes behind him.

But Ferro, responding to reports that Sinisa Mihajlovic will leave Sampdoria to replace Benitez at Napoli in the summer, delivered the cruel remark on Wednesday.

“As far as I am concerned, he (Mihajlovic) is staying. If he were to leave, I’d know who to replace him with,” Ferrero told Radio Crc . “Paulo Sousa’s not going to be Sampdoria’s next coach…

“I could take Benitez, but I’d have to take him to see a dietitian first.”



Rafa Benitez