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04th Sep 2015

Redesign helps ‘give a second chance’ to dodgy 90s football kits

Back to the future...

Tom Victor

Plenty of old football kits were hated at the time, but with the benefit of hindsight you could say they’re just misunderstood.

Of course, some of them were and are entirely irredeemable – well, at least they were until Spanish designers La Casaca had a play around.

Taking kits that some would call iconic and others would be less generous about, they have merged two designs to create brand new versions – and some of them are pure works of art.

Remember this Manchester United kit monstrosity?


Well here’s how it looks after La Casaca apply their magic wand to it.


Some of Chelsea’s mid-90s efforts were arguably worse…


But not any more…


And if you prefer the continental approach, watch this Real Madrid effort go from dodgy…


To…well, sometimes there’s no saving them.


To check out the full range of La Casaca redesigns, click here.