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26th Nov 2015

Ronaldo takes a tumble and offers hope to every amateur footballer who’s ever failed at a stepover

Kevin McGillicuddy

We’ve all been there.

You’re faced with that fullback who stole the ball off you the last time  you zipped down the wing and you think that if you do a little shimmy, flick the ball between your legs you’ll buy the yard of space you need to whip that ball into the box.

It always works in Fifa and that’s based on real life, right?

Unfortunately, your legs don’t get those messages and you stumble off the ball as the defender waltzes away with the ball like the five-a-side version of Franz Beckenbauer.

But it’s not just us that this can happen to.

Even the king of the step-overs himself can get it wrong.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s attmept to beat his man against Shaktar saw him fall flat on his face.

What hope is there for the rest of us?