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21st Aug 2015

Ronda Rousey moves fast to trademark her latest killer catchphrase

Very smart move...

Ben Kenyon

Say what you want about Ronda Rousey, but the UFC champion sure isn’t daft.

Rowdy’s management company has filed to register her recently revealed ‘Do Nothing Bitch’ motto as a trademark.

The catchphrase, and its abbreviation ‘DNB’, has exploded across social media and Rousey obviously sniffed a business opportunity.

A range of t-shirts with ‘Don’t be a DNB’ on the front went on sale earlier this month. To date, according to Fox Sports, 50,000 t-shirts have been sold.

This is the fifth catchphrase, name or motto her company, Ronda Rousey Inc., has registered. Others include ‘Rowdy’ and ‘Armbarnation’.

She spoke about the catchphrase, which has proved a major motivation in her life, during an ‘Embedded’ episode in the lead-up to her devastating UFC 190 win over Bethe Correia.

“I have this one term for the kind of woman that my mother raised me to not be,” she said.

“I call it a ‘do-nothing bitch’ or, I call it a ‘DNB’ a lot of the time. It’s a kind of chick that tries to be pretty or be taken care of by somebody else.

“That’s why I think it’s hilarious if people say that my body looks masculine, or something like that. I’m just like, ‘Listen, just because my body was developed for a purpose other than f**king millionaires doesn’t mean it’s masculine.’

“I think it’s femininely bad-ass as f**k because there’s not a single muscle on my body that isn’t for a purpose. Because, I’m not a do-nothing bitch.”