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19th Nov 2015

Ronda Rousey “wasn’t sh*t anyway”, claims Floyd Mayweather Sr.

Kevin Beirne

Times are tough for Ronda Rousey.

The supposedly unstoppable bantamweight’s run was brought to a crashing halt by Holly Holm, and the dogs are out in force for the former champion.

Despite all that, there’s one man who has been surprisingly supportive towards Rousey has been Floyd Mayweather Jr. The two have a long-standing beef, but Mayweather put that all aside to call out those who are making fun of Rousey.

But Mayweather Jr. doesn’t speak for the entire Mayweather clan. His father (Floyd Mayweather Sr) and uncle (Roger Mayweather) have had their say – and they’re not as kind as the younger generation.


Speaking on Dotae’s Boxing Nation, Floyd Sr. said: “She wasn’t sh*t anyways. She had more fights than the girl, and the girl demolished her.

“The fight wasn’t nothing close, because every time the girl was moving she was hitting air.”

Roger Mayweather, who is Floyd Jr’s primary coach, dug the knife in further, saying: “She can’t do a motherf**king thing with my nephew. The only thing that she can do with him is get her ass knocked out again.”