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16th Feb 2016

Roy Keane tells kids to throw their mobile phones in the bin and “kick the ball against the wall”

Back to basics

Darragh Murphy

We always knew that Roy Keane had an issue with mobile phones.

But he’s upped his criticism of them with his advice to kids who have become so addicted to their smartphones that they avoid physical activity.

The former Manchester United captain has hit out at this modern phenomenon by urging young kids to get rid of their phones because it is hindering their experience of childhood.

Speaking at a youth charity event in Northern Ireland, Keane said: “You’ve got to enjoy it!”

“If you’re not enjoying it there’s something drastically wrong. And if you want to become good at any sport… soccer, hurling, basketball, boxing, unless you really love something it’s hard to become really good at it, so enjoy it.

Roy Keane 10/10/2015

“Throw them (mobile phones) in the bin, throw them in the bin. Play football, practice.

“Kick the ball against the wall, play with your mates. Kids don’t climb trees anymore. So that’s my advice to you, enjoy football and climb trees.”

And the Republic of Ireland assistant manager also jokingly blamed his less-than-stellar disciplinary record on “bad referees.”

Roy Keane

“I’m guessing you should be at school, should you? So maybe that’s why they’re really happy, not because I’m here!” he said, in quotes appearing in ChronicleLive.

“I made one or two mistakes, but that’s part of life. I’m not standing up here with a halo on my head.

“When you play sport you get injured sometimes, or you injure somebody.

“I was unfortunate I came across a lot of bad referees! For some reason they were always giving me red cards! But you have to respect the officials as well, kids.”


Roy Keane