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24th Oct 2016

Ryan Lochte’s dog Carter has apparently discovered the secret to eternal life

Carter the immortal

Ben Kiely

Ryan Lochte’s dog Carter may very well have discovered the Fountain of Eternal Youth.

The American swimmer took to Twitter last night to send his beloved mutt a birthday wish after the (insert correct dog breed here) turned the ripe old age of eight.

If you’re a dog person, you’ll probably find the idea of a world class athlete remembering their pooch’s birthday adorable, but there’s merit in cynicism, questioning and doubt as Twitter user @wholegrainne proved to the masses on social media.

As she points out, if Lochte’s tweet is to be believed, this will be the third year in a row in which Carter Lochte turned eight years old. An impossible feat… for a mere mortal.

Let’s get a timeline going to put it to the test.

23 October 2014 – Carter Lochte turns eight

23 October 2015 – Carter Lochte turns… wait, what?

23 October 2016 – Oh come on!

Dog Lochte 2016

Interestingly, Lochte has since deleted his most recent birthday wish to Carter and replaced it with a new one stating that the dog actually turned nine this year which doesn’t really clear up any of the confusion. If he’s nine this year does that still mean he was eight for two years?

I guess we’ll never know. And isn’t that the real tragedy here? No. No it isn’t.

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