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25th Nov 2015

Sanchez or Neymar – whose ridiculous control was better? (Video)

Nooruddean Choudry

Amidst all the goals and majestic skills on display during Tuesday night’s round of Champions League games, it was two moments of control that caught the eye.

In both instances, each divinely talented player was in showboating mood, with their respective teams in full control of the game’s outcome. And each had a rather unique and innovative way of cushioning a pass.

First there was the irrepressible Neymar for Barcelona against a sorry Roma. He collected with ball with the heel of his wrong foot in mid-air, when simple control with his left boot would have sufficed. The sheer audacity was breathtaking…

Then there was this remarkable piece of skill from Alexis Sanchez for Arsenal against Dinamo Zagreb. The impudence to turn his back on the ball and reach out his arms to cushion the pass with his shoulder blades…

But which one was more impressive/innovative? Theres’s only one way to find out – FIGHT!!! No, not a fight – a good old fashioned poll.

Let us know what you think – Neymar’s behind-the-leg heel control, or Sanchez’s Christ the Redeemer effort…