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02nd Oct 2015

Sepp Blatter has responded to Coca Cola’s call for him to step down immediately in the way only he could…

You won't believe this...

Ben Kenyon

If you thought Sepp Blatter was going anywhere, you’re sadly mistaken.

Scandal after scandal has rocked Fifa but the organisation’s 79-year-old President has remained unmoved.

Alleged bribes and kick-backs are just the latest in a string of scandals to have hit football’s governing body.

This prompted key Fifa sponsors Coca Cola and McDonald’s to call for Blatter to step down with immediate effect, in statements on Friday evening.

But even Fifa’s big money sponsors don’t seem to have dented Blatter’s singe-mindedness to stay at the helm right to the bitter end, and he has responded in the way only Sepp Blatter possibly could in the face of such revolt.

We’d like to say we’re amazed, but…

Here’s a flash forward to the year 3015…