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11th Jan 2018

Some Man United fans will be excited by Alexis Sanchez’s agent’s Twitter account

You can guarantee some United fans will get far too carried away with this...

Simon Lloyd

Alexis Sanchez to Manchester United is ON. Sort of.

For a few hours at least, some United fans are daring to start believing their club are on the cusp of hi-jacking the Chilean’s move from Arsenal to their neighbours, Manchester City.

While reports that United have made contact with the player in recent hours have sparked some excitement amongst some of the Old Trafford club’s supporters, most United fans are probably taking them with a pinch of salt. After all, what better way for Arsenal to milk a few more million quid out of City than by letting it be known their biggest rivals are sniffing around with a view to submitting a higher bid?

While most people still expect Sanchez to join City, one tweet from journalist Jonas Giæver will have some United supporters struggling to contain their inner transfer muppets – even if it does mean absolutely nothing… He points to the accounts being followed by Sanchez’s agent, Fernando Felicevich, on Twitter, with one of the more recent ones being (you guessed it) Manchester United.

Giæver stresses that he has no idea how long he has followed United on Twitter (it could have been for years), but later points out that Felicevich has no other clients at United at this moment in time.

At this moment in time.

It probably means absolutely nothing, but as the tweet points out, let’s be muppets for a minute.