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22nd Aug 2015

Steven Gerrard says LA Galaxy would be able to handle themselves in the Premier League…

Matt Stanger

The standard of MLS football may beĀ improving,
but it’s difficult to be entirely convinced when Jozy Altidore is still one of the league’s top earners.

Steven Gerrard insistsĀ that he’s impressed by the quality, however, and thinks LA GalaxyĀ would be able to handle themselvesĀ in the Premier League.

“It’s certainly not the Premier League, but it is striving for that and hopefully one day it will get there. It is still a level down for me, but the level has surprised me,” he told Sky Sports.

Los Angeles Galaxy v Houston Dynamo

“I think if we were full strength, we could compete against more than half of the Premier League on a one-on-one fixture. That gives an ideal of the level.

“I think we would still struggle against the top six sides. But we would be a match for a lot of the teams. That’s just trying to get the people back home to gauge the level. So it has surprised me and it is better than I thought.”

Would they really challenge the likes of Everton, Southampton and Stokealona? We’d love to see a proper match-up.