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21st Dec 2015

Which player has provided the most assists to Lionel Messi during his Barcelona career? Iniesta? Xavi? Nope…

Guess again


On first guess, you’d think the player who has created the most goals for Lionel Messi during his Barcelona career would probably be Xavi or perhaps Andres Iniesta.

But the two midfield schemers, who certainly laid on their fair share of the Argentine’s goals, don’t top this particular list.

It turns out Dani Alves has provided Messi with more goals than any other Barcelona player during his ten years in the first-team.

The Brazilian full-back has set up 38 of Messi’s 424 goals, seven ahead of Iniesta and a whopping 15 ahead of Xavi.

The pair do seem to have a special connection on the pitch.