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05th Sep 2016

The Welsh football team wheeled out their party trick for their opening World Cup 2018 qualifier

They must be taking the piss. Surely?

Carl Anka

2016 is undoubtedly the year of Welsh football.

The Dragons became many an international football fan’s second team this summer thanks to their barnstorming run to the Euro 2016 semi finals.

Big Ashley Williams in patrolling the defence, Welsh Pirlo Joe Allen partnering the Blonde Destroyer Aaron Ramsey in midfield and up top, Hal Robson-Kanu, Cruyff-turning defenders out of their boots.

There was a Real Madrid player who was really good at free kicks in their too.

Wales v Belgium - Quarter Final: UEFA Euro 2016

Watching Wales this summer was ace; they seem like a wonderful bunch of boys who genuinely enjoy playing for each other and their nation. Feel good vibes everywhere.


And there’s always a but.

Why can’t they line up properly for a team photo?

Wales wheeled out their team photo party trick again this week, serving up this asymmetrical creation before their World Cup 2018 qualifier against Moldova.

Those with good memory will remember Wales have a habit of lining up like this.

Wales Team Photo

Which is rather odd when you consider their big mantra is “Together, Stronger”.

One Wales fan once floated the idea that the team keep a gap there as it is meant to represent “The 12th Man – The Wales fans”.

But the more you look at it, and the more you look at the player faces, the more you wonder.

Are they just taking the piss?

Let’s really look at Gareth Bale and Joe Allen here.

Look at their faces.

Really. Look at them

Bale and Joe Allen

They’re fucking having a laugh.

Well played boys… well played.

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