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20th Aug 2016

There will be no UFC 202 press conference tonight

Missing out

Conan Doherty

This is a big loss.

There will be no formal post-fight press conference after UFC 202.

A lot of Conor McGregor’s fights have been so expedited and business-like in the past that chat in the press conferences often garnished the most traction in the fallout of events.

We’re not suggesting the Dubliner is going to put Nate Diaz away in a matter of seconds on Saturday night/Sunday morning. But UFC fans have grown accustomed to The Notorious and his one-liners and the world tunes in to hear them. They weren’t even the best of it all though. Anyone looking for a real insight into McGregor could do a lot worse than just listen to him in the moments after a fight.

His mask drops, his act is loosened, and he speaks with honesty and humility. Those are the moments when he’s at his most raw. Those are the moments when he’s most real.

And it is fascinating.


MMA folk won’t get the same opportunity this time around though as the UFC have confirmed that interviews will only be held in media scrums, rather than a press conference.

And, Jesus, imagine the drama we’re missing out on.

The build-up to the main card at UFC 202 has exploded into life this weekend, cops were on hand for the bloody weigh-ins and any chance to see Diaz and McGregor face-to-face is going to pull in a crowd.

Once the fight is over though, so too is the fun.

Logistical and security purposes have been cited for the event at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.

It could be a big loss, entertainment-wise at least.

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