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28th Jan 2016

This is why you should never slag off someone sitting next to you on Twitter

Tom Victor

The beauty of Twitter comes with the ability to tell thousands of strangers about your unremarkable life.

Well that’s what we take from it, at least.

But it comes with its downsides, especially if you forget who can read what you’re writing.

Journalist George Dobell sat down for an eight-hour flight and was so taken aback by the aroma of his neighbour that he took to social media to voice his disgust.

Unfortunately, when you’ve got 25,000 followers, there’s every chance that the person in question could be reading (we haven’t looked too closely at the maths, but it seems about right).

Dobell was unlucky enough to find himself in that situation, prompting an uncomfortable few hours.


At least he tried to take it in good spirits