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02nd Feb 2017

This one video shows exactly why Chelsea fans will always love Frank Lampard

It's a love that is definitely reciprocated.

Alex Finnis

Frank Lampard has retired from professional football after a glittering 21-year-career in which he won everything there is to win at the top of the English game.

He retires not only as a Chelsea legend – perhaps the greatest player to ever play for the club – but also as an all-time Premier League great.

His goal-record from midfield may never be matched, and while he started out at West Ham and had a brief stint at Manchester City after departing Stamford Bridge, he’s Chelsea through and through – a man who all Chelsea fans adore.

It’s a love that was reciprocated, as he showed in his message to the fans in the Instagram post announcing his retirement.

But what shows his love for the fans even more is this video taken from the Chelsea end in Munich, as Didier Drogba scores the penalty which wins the Blues their first ever Champions League trophy.

As he realises he’s become a European Champion, Lampard runs straight to the fans, hugging those who have filtered over onto the pitch and sharing the moment with the people who’ve followed Chelsea and him throughout his career.

One of the fans accidentally punched Lampard in the face when he was trying to hug him, but Frank didn’t seem to mind too much…

As a football fan, this kind of stuff is all you can ever really want from your players..

Thanks to @VtorDante for the video.